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Client Success Stories


Maddisen has helped clients all over the world to find personal and professonal fulfillment.

Read her clients' success stories to find out more...

After being a psychotherapist for many years, I was a bit skeptical and suspicious about coaching. Yet I had reached a point where I needed some steady guidance and witnessing with regards to some re-visioning of my practice and the shape of my life. My priorities were out of balance, so I worked with Maddisen. Through her gentle guidance, and her direct and intuitive questions, I was able to create a new form for my practice that reflected the current direction of my life. She helped me stay accountable, to design action steps, to deal with my resistances, and to think more creatively. My possibilities expanded! Maddisen has a heart of gold, a delightful sense of humor, and a big and loving vision for her clients. I will not hesitate to work with her again if I need help with “next steps.” Thank you, Maddisen!

S.H. - M.A.

San Francisco, CA

Maddisen was assigned to be my life coach by the company I work for. Professionally I was confident and happy in the workplace but was struggling in a personal relationship. Maddisen helped me navigate this difficult time in my life. She helped me realize my self worth and gave me specific tools and strategies for handling conflict and change. She cared about me not just as a client, but as a person. 


Her encouragement was beyond words and she took an active investment in my wellbeing and growth. I cannot thank her enough for the tremendous support, guidance and care that she has shown me. She has impacted my life in so many positive ways and is a wonderful and genuine person to work with. I give her the highest recommendation to my colleagues, friends and family. 

A.P. - O.D.

Los Angeles, CA

When I began working with Maddisen I was at a professional crossroads. Filled with confusion and some despair, I felt stuck. But after sessions with Maddisen, my road began to reveal itself. And the sessions were fun. Sometimes they were extremely emotional but still filled with light. It all seemed to happen so effortlessly. I rediscovered the magic that surrounds us all. My communication skills improved fivefold both professionally and personally. I have recently opened up my own Yoga studio. Something that I thought was only a fantasy. I feel alive, enthusiastic and filled. I cannot thank Maddisen enough.

M.H. – Actor, Yoga teacher

Los Angeles, CA

Working with Maddisen has been an essential part of my personal and professional growth. Maddisen helps me organize my sometimes chaotic thought process and I always leave our sessions feeling happy, focused and motivated for a great week. I really enjoy talking to someone who doesn’t judge and creates a safe place to communicate. Maddisen provides just that.

A.D. - Personal Training

Los Angeles & Australia

I have known Maddisen personally and professionally for over 10 years. I know her to be an intelligent, intuitive, articulate, and loving guide. She has courageously supported me in my psychological, emotional, and spiritual growth. I have sought her insights and advice many, many times in the past decade and would not be in the peaceful and abundant place I am in my life now had it not been for her help. I unabashedly recommend Maddisen to all.

K.F.C. - CMT, CLMA, Therapeutic Bodywork & Movement Practitioner

Los Angeles, CA

I have been working with Maddisen Krown for a little over a year. She is my mentor, confidant, friend, and beholder of my dreams and fears. Her strength and bravery have brought out my scared inner child and shown her how to play. Her kindness and gentleness are the warm embrace I needed to feel safe. I have only just started knocking on the door of my dreams, but I have a feeling that by the time our work is through, I will have kicked the door into next Tuesday!


Burbank, CA

For years I had been trying to untangle fuzzy, difficult personal obstacles that were holding me back from my goals, working with various counselors and therapists. But the results, when there were any, were temporary, and I'd soon fall back into the same rut. Working with Maddisen has been different. She brings insight and intuition, a rich background of personal experience, and knowledge of spiritual and psychological issues, along with skills that helped me apply these resources in daily life. Maddisen helped me get at the root of some deep-down problematic patterns, and become aware of strengths I hadn't recognized or acknowledged. She's helped me find a better balance of motivation, compassion and self-forgiveness, so that I finally feel I'm making progress to live the life I want.


Portland, OR

Working with Maddisen is a treat. I always cherish our time spent together. I came to Los Angeles from Sydney Australia in the pursuit of love, to arrive and have my heart broken open. In a fragile state I began working with Maddisen. I wanted to support myself in moving forward in a new country in an empowered, loving and committed way. Working with Maddisen has provided just that. Maddisen is insightful and supportive. She offers a gentle yet firm helping hand. She is a voice of reason and of possibility. Her process is always creative and innovative. Every session is unique and reflective of what is needed and being called forth. You can be guaranteed that in working with Maddisen you are in safe and trusted hands. Hands that will direct and broaden your scope of vision and expand your ability to love yourself and others along the way. Through my work with Maddisen I have had the courage to pursue my professional dreams while also learning to be more forgiving with myself. 

C.L. – Producer & Creative Director

Sydney, Australia

I was feeling discouraged with my life and I had lost trust in myself. I knew I had certain skills and talents and I was not utilizing them to the fullest. Working with Maddisen has certainly changed my outlook. From the beginning, her intuitive style of coaching has been connected, powerful, and thoughtful. During our sessions, Maddisen intuits and accurately articulates what is needed in that moment and she reminds me each week of my strengths. She knows my inner knowing is powerful and by reminding me of this every week has allowed me to trust my decisions. In addition, she has given me tools that have convinced me that the power of intention really works! I am manifesting more now in my life than I have in a very long time and I really have Maddisen to thank. She is a powerful, compassionate and outstanding life coach. 

M.C.H. – Photographer

Palm Springs, CA

All my life I wanted to become a motivational speaker and coach. A year ago, I started giving myself the permission at 42 to be both. The only problem was that things were not happening for me. However, once I hired Maddisen Krown as my personal coach and began working with her on self forgiveness, miracles, contracts, and events started to happen. After just one week I added $8000 to my weekly income, and I had two new speaking engagements; after two weeks, I had two more full day seminars booked and I wrote a 28 page program. I can’t wait for my weekly coaching sessions with Maddisen because she makes me feel good, and when I feel good, I produce results, and when I produce results, I live my passion and mission. Everyone needs a Maddisen Krown in their life. 

N.L. – International Business Coach

Ontario, Canada

Coaching with Maddisen is like a dose of peace injected into my world. I hang up the phone and “tah-dah” I feel calm, every time. I have more perspective and clarity and I feel peace. My softness for myself has increased and I move forward. She mixes her very unique sets of skills (spiritual psychology and life coaching) perfectly... pushing gently at times, asking very pointed questions at other times, and sharing herself in ways that totally support my blossoming and opening up. Her gentleness is coming from a fierce strength. It is clear beyond measure that she is walking the talk. It is a complete honor working with this woman.

K. P. – Naturopathic Physician

Portland, OR

I always knew I had a gift. Since childhood I have been sensitive to the universe, and always believed in a higher power. As I grew older, my awareness that I had this power became very crystal clear to me. I have the great fortune of having Maddisen Krown as my Life Coach & Counselor. Maddisen has enhanced my perception of all the universe has to offer. I have learned how to forgive myself, put away the past, and knock down barriers that have held me captive for years. Maddisen has awakened my spirit, reinforced my beliefs, and greatly supported me and given me new direction with each new coaching session. Each week is a new experience and spiritual enlightenment for me. Through this process I am seeing positive results I never imagined. 

W. G. – Musician & Composer

Asheville, NC

For some 20 years, I’ve been aware of my spiritual way, I’ve learned much and I’ve worked many times with myself and other therapists. But still there was a very old block in my inner world. Maddisen worked with me deeply concerning this theme. She gave me the healing and loving room and made me feel secure at her side. I discovered how much protection I really got from that wall in the past, and she helped me to see the gift in this wall, and I began to feel thankfulness. From that work, I discovered that I am strong enough today. I needn’t a wall anymore!!!!! I found myself in a field of freedom to decide that I will undo the wall. With much love and peace, I let it go.. 

S. M. S. – Artist and Spiritual Coach

Munich, Germany

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